El software lúdico de entretenimiento ruso está en buena forma, no en general pero se podría decir que está más interesante que el local. Ice-Pick Lodge, desarrolladores de aquel incomprendido Pathologic (de lo malo que era), presentan ahora un nuevo videojuego llamado Tension, o Typrop en el idioma ruso. Una aventura que podríamos encuadrar más concretamente en el survival-horror de la que disponemos de muy pocos datos, una serie de imágenes, y unos artworks de mujeres extrañas de aspecto vampírico que nos acompañarán en el juego y que nos chuparán de todo, oiga, si, si, se lo digo yo. ¿Qué no?, ya lo veremos. Una de ellas al menos está enseñando las tetas, así que si no pinchan en el enlace se quedarán sin sorpresa.
Turgor (definition from Ice-Pick Lodge) – a new game of survival adventure genre from Ice-Pick Lodge and New Disk, a game that will offer you to survive in the Gap or get out of there in a short time; preserve life in it’s frightening dwellers and sad female dwellers (sorry, translation nuances) – or take it from them. The way you will come through this world, the way it will remain. The way you will become as well.
The goal of the game is to leave a certain unfriendly place as fast as possible.
The surreal world of Turgor is built upon a single resource which allows every living being to exist or act – (don’t know how to translate it, I’ll call if fluid) Fluid of Colour. Each of seven colours of the Fluid has its own character and unique qualities, beneficial and dangerous alike, only the Fluid gives life but it also holds serious danger to the hero.
In the process of desperate, hungry fight for life a hero of Turgor should meet opponents, like himself victims of this strange world. From nightmarish giants, spawns of a mad dream – Hunters to their willing prisoners – Sisters, exquisite beauties which play a dangerous inrigue with each other, Hunters and the hero.
Blood of a Hunter, captured creature, a girl that favours you, a tree that you rejuvenated, everything around you is a source of Fluid. Every action: battle with an enemy, conversation with a Sister, a hunt, search, travel is a waste of Fluid. Short lives here are spent in a desperate search for new fluid to sustain your strength, and to turn it, with a price of your own soul into a palette of capricios colours, which an be used to survive in this wold and solve it’s mystery.
Flexible factors of the environment and a situation of extreme resource starvation put the player in new unexpected situations. The player is free to use any colours to accomplish his tasks but also has to think of his strategy, the way he colours the world – such will be the finale. Often the player will have to cope with the fact that opportunity only gives him the colouts that are dangerous to him and cotradict his chosen tactic of survival.
The game is different each time, the ending depend of how much Fluid and of which colour was used.
pues a mi que las vampires@s es@s tienen cara de transexuales :dejadeja … como han pasado aqellas epocas en el que un par de buenas teclas hacia la diferencia
por cierto eso del travesti que charla en rusoski, causa mas «tension» o typrop o tripaje o como carajos sea :dejadeja
Nos dan lo que demandamos…
… y todavía nos quejamos…
Pero alguien ha leido lo que pone sobre el ‘fluido’ y los colores??? pqrece bastante interesante de jugar y novedoso… pero como todo lo que huele a hype….
Yo no he jugado pero mi hermana juega y ella conoce a la gente que ha hecho este juego. Se llama en ruso TURGOR!!! y se pronuncia asi, aunque en ruso esta palabra no existe :posno
perdon existe pero se usa muy especial en la medicina