Nenas jugonas con nombres tan sugerentes como Kassandra o Krystal son entrevistadas en esta especie de especial publicado por la gente de, aunque realmente da la sensación de que esta buena gente ha pillado un buen puñado de jovencitas modelos y les han colocado delante varios pads, consolas, etc. y se han inventado las preguntas y respuestas. Aunque igual no porque hay de todo. Si entramos en materia nos encontramos con increibles diálogos como:
So we know that you like Mario. What are some of his most charming traits?
His handsome Italian mustache. Actually, It’s because he can do about anything. He can save the princess, play basketball or soccer, throw an amazing party, and now he is an astronaut.
Yo ejke veo los santos y ya…
maziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiizaaaa ! ! ! ! Y le molan los hombres gordos y con bigote y polivalentes, . . . yo puedo engordar, y ser tuyo, nena.
Yo ya he empezado a dejarme bigote.
dos machotes, recordar que tiene que ser estilo italiano
Perdon, creia que estaba en Youtube
Jain… alguna kere «jugar» conmigo? 😳
Jorl !!
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Posted at: 04/26/07 at 04:31 AM PST
Wow I’m glad that there were at least a few girls that kept their clothes on and to those girls I’d like to say thank you. What makes these girls who strip down to nothing or next to nothing think that legitimizes them as gamers? If anything you’re setting a negative example for young female gamers that look up to you and think it’s okay to take pictures of them in their underwear and post them all over the net. GG on making yourself look like trash girls. Seriously – keep your shirts and pants on for pictures. Stop enforcing the stereotype that girls that game must look like whores – I sure don’t appreciate it.
Posted at: 04/26/07 at 05:01 AM PST
WHAT!!!! PMS BATGIRL please shutup! those girls are hot! and you need to get off your darn feminine kick! Its not my fault you apparently stuff your face with crispy cremes
PD: fap fap fap