Hoy se anuncia en un festival llamado Gamefest 2008 la siguiente versión de las librerías multimedia exclusivas para Windows Vista y sucesivas entregas. Por lo visto el actual hardware DirectX10 será compatible con las mismas. Un paradigma de píxeles dicen
During its Gamefest 2008 developer conference in Seattle, Microsoft officially announced DirectX 11, the newest version of its multimedia API package. Like its predecessor DirectX 10, it will be exclusive to Windows Vista «as well as future versions of Windows.»
Features include new shader technology that begins to allow developers to position GPUs as more general-purpose parallel processors, rather than being dedicated solely to graphics processing; better multi-threading capabilities; and hardware-based tesselation.
Said newly promoted Microsoft’s Entertainment Business Division CTO Chris Satchell during a Gamefest keynote, «We want to break away from purely having a paradigm of pixels, vertices and shaders.»
Oh wai, asi que copian la idea de CUDA/GPGPU para pasar a la grafica procesos más mundanos, bien xD