Uno de esos interesantes RPG que nunca sabes a ciencia cierta si van a terminar bien, mal o simplemente no los van a terminar nunca, acaba de aterrizar en Greenlight de Steam, y además el desarrollador espera vuestro voto favorable si así lo merece. Bueno el vídeo es realmente interesante, se trata de un gestor de ciudades RPG sandbox y cuenta con un cuidado aspecto. Incluso puede recordar al mismísimo The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim de Bethesda o quizás un poquito a Mount & Blade: Warband. Estos juegos indie se ven cada vez mejor y debemos congratularnos de una manera muy especial.
Your kingdom, your people
Build and improve your own city. Communicate with other kingdoms, negotiate trade agreements and build alliances. Defend your city and your lands.RPG systems with a skill based focus
In combat, depend on your own skills, rather than statistics on your character sheet. Use spells or weapons, you can play the game your way. Craft weapons for your use, or for your troops.Living World
A living economy allows you to see the ripples of your own actions all around the world. Your steward will take care of your city while you are gone.Explore
Discover worlds both above, and beneath the earth. Find precious mineral veins and other treasures.Gameplay
You can only control your own character. Build your city by talking to your steward, or workers and selecting an appropriate lot from a miniature map. Protect your surrounding lands by ordering patrols and giving special missions to your troops. Troop effectiveness is determined by their training and weapons/armor quality.