Hoy nos hemos levantado con la mirada perdida y panza arriba. Eran señales inequívocas de que íbamos a encontrarnos con una noticia videojueguil que no nos iba a gustar demasiado. Y así ha sido. Se acaba de anunciar que el desarrollo de Stalker 2 ha sido cancelado, y el equipo de desarrollo Vostok Games (antes Stalker Team) se ha puesto manos a la obra con un nuevo título, un MMOFPS Free 2 Play (vaya plaga) llamado Survarium. Por lo visto a los nuevos inversores de la desarrolladora no les gustaba la franquicia. El que pone la pela manda. Señores de Vostok Games, háblennos entonces de Survarium.
The reason we cannot continue with the development of Stalker 2 is we and our new investors we unable to come to an agreement with the IP rights onwer. The entire team that was working on Stalker is now working on a new project called Survarium. We are so grateful for the support over the years and despite our best efforts we have to move on from Stalker which is as hard for us as it is for you. However, we feel that our new studio and project will be something unique and fill the void left by Stalker as well as add a lot more! -Your Stalker Team-