Cuántas veces habremos intentando adentrarnos en el maravilloso mundo de Blood Bowl… unas cuantas. Como bien sabéis los fans de la serie, no pocos entre nuestras filas, Blood Bowl 2 es la continuación de esta adaptación del juego original de mesa de Games Workshop, que combina de manera inteligente el fútbol americano y el mundillo Warhammer en general. ¿Queréis comprobar al fin como funciona y las mejoras que se están introduciendo en el juego?. A darle al play sin mayor dilatación.
In this first gameplay video, the famous Human team Reikland Reavers perform some of the basic moves that make the core gameplay mechanics of a Blood Bowl match: running, passing, catching, blocking, blitzing… simple actions that take a whole new level when we take into consideration the game’s 75 different skills that Blood Bowl players can innately have, or learn upon levelling up! Humans are great all-rounders: they are equally at home running the ball, passing it, or ignoring it and pounding the opposition into the turf instead. However, being jacks-of-all-trades also means they do not excel in any domain in particular.
This video shows Blood Bowl 2’s brand new graphics engine in action, but also reveals the meticulous work done on Blood Bowl 2 by developer Cyanide to capture the authentic Blood Bowl experience: the cheering of the ravenous fans filling the huge stadiums to the brink, the animations, the dynamic cameras enhancing the brutal atmosphere of the matches, the «Cabalvision» identity and the hilarious commenting duo, Jim Johnson and Bob Bifford. We also get a first look at the new game’s interface and much improved visual feedback, bringing a more modern, fresher look to Blood Bowl while improving clarity and comprehension of the action on the field.